Schedule >

Saturday, February 6, 2010

3:00 pm



Text and actor: d’bi young
Direction: Natasha Mytnowych
Music composition and performance: Tova Kardonne
Lighting: Kimberly Purtell

La Chapelle — scènes contemporaines, Montréal, Québec

Regular: $25.00 • Student, artist: $20.00

“Few performers have the raw charisma of d’bi.young, her ability to command attention every second she’s on stage… (benu is) a riveting journey through her psyche, equal parts blood and magic.” —Serafin Lariviere, Eye Weekly

Having recently given birth and now negotiating her own mortality, benu, a 30 year old woman, contemplates life and death. Her blood pressure mysteriously rises, like a phoenix, in a Toronto hospital, triggering a series of strange physical and mental ailments that lead her down a path of fear, discovery, and renewal. Reality meets myth, magic meets ritual, and a bio-myth-o-graphical narrative unfolds in firesome ways, paralleling the mythology of the Egyptian predecessor to the phoenix, the benu bird.

d’bi.young is an Afrikan-Jamaican-Canadian visionary who has performed, published, and lectured internationally. An award-winning dubpoet, writer, and theatre practitioner, she has produced five dubpoetry albums, authored two dubpoetry collections and is the playwright/performer of the published double Dora Award-winning, one-person show blood.claat. d’bi.young recently launched the radical arts centre anitAFRIKA! dub theatre and she is presently completing her first non-fiction on dubpoetry and dubtheatre.

A La Chapelle and Festival Voix d’Amériques coprésentation. An anitAFRIKA! dub theatre production.

5:00 pm

[“Band + Poetry” Happy Hours]

Dynamo Coleoptera

Dynamo Coleoptera: Maya Kuroki, François Girouard.

Guest poet: Ian Christopher Goodman.

Tomomi Morimoto, dance

Casa del Popolo, Montréal, Québec

Free admission

In English. A power duo featuring Maya Kuroki on electric guitar, vocals, keyboards and theatrical performance and François Girouard on drums (he also manages just fine on keyboards, electric bass, percussion and musical saw). Joining them in concert will be dancer and performer Tomomi Morimoto. But it’s not your classic concert act. Their shows belong more to the realm of multidisciplinarity. Dynamo Coleoptera defines its music as experimental pop-rock in Japanese. Words and melodies transport you to a world breathing with lyricism and surrealist dreams. Their guest will be poet (Bhagavad Goalie) and respectful bicycle gardener Ian Christopher Goodman.

8:00 pm



Text and actor: d’bi young
Direction: Natasha Mytnowych
Music composition and performance: Tova Kardonne
Lighting: Kimberly Purtell

La Chapelle — scènes contemporaines, Montréal, Québec

Regular: $25.00 • Student, artist: $20.00

“Few performers have the raw charisma of d’bi.young, her ability to command attention every second she’s on stage… (benu is) a riveting journey through her psyche, equal parts blood and magic.” —Serafin Lariviere, Eye Weekly

Having recently given birth and now negotiating her own mortality, benu, a 30 year old woman, contemplates life and death. Her blood pressure mysteriously rises, like a phoenix, in a Toronto hospital, triggering a series of strange physical and mental ailments that lead her down a path of fear, discovery, and renewal. Reality meets myth, magic meets ritual, and a bio-myth-o-graphical narrative unfolds in firesome ways, paralleling the mythology of the Egyptian predecessor to the phoenix, the benu bird.

d’bi.young is an Afrikan-Jamaican-Canadian visionary who has performed, published, and lectured internationally. An award-winning dubpoet, writer, and theatre practitioner, she has produced five dubpoetry albums, authored two dubpoetry collections and is the playwright/performer of the published double Dora Award-winning, one-person show blood.claat. d’bi.young recently launched the radical arts centre anitAFRIKA! dub theatre and she is presently completing her first non-fiction on dubpoetry and dubtheatre.

A La Chapelle and Festival Voix d’Amériques coprésentation. An anitAFRIKA! dub theatre production.

8:30 pm

[Shows at 8:30 pm]

Body and Soul 7

Bilingual. Body and Soul has become a must-see FVA event, featuring strong female energy from quick-talking girls who take no guff. Poetry, experimental music and partners in crime.

11:00 pm

[Night Shift]

Night Shift: L’Écrou

Hosted by Alexis O’Hara.

Musicians: Bernard Falaise and Michel F Côté.

In first part: L’Écrou presents: Jean-Sébastien Larouche, Virginie Beauregard D, Marjolaine Beauchamp.

Casa del Popolo, Montréal, Québec

Free admission

Open mic, bilingual. L’Écrou, a publishing house with a penchant for poetry that stirs up emotions, shakes the status quo, moves the soul and squeezes tight, presents three poets who take up the challenge of performance. Éditions de l’Écrou specializes in hard-hitting Quebec poetry that goes straight to the vital organs and can be turned into a brilliant flash of words on stage.