Schedule >

Monday, February 17, 2003

5:00 pm

Launch of the first issue of Dubref

With performances in French by Séba and Ian Lauzon and in English by Catherine Kidd, Neale McDevitt and Doug Simms.

Free admission

A mixed-media magazine

This brand new CD-ROM magazine called DUBREF is produced by Léon Guy DUPUIS, a multidisciplinary artist and writer who studied literature, and Bernard BELZILE, a digital video editor who also studied literature.

DUBREF features francophone and anglophone urban spoken-word and oral-literature performers. Their performances — rap, theatre, poetry, fiction, improv, music poetry, video poetry, art video and more - are recorded on audio and video, then released on mixed-format CD/CD-ROM recordings. Audiences will enjoy discovering or rediscovering these performers while following the development and growing importance of the oral-literature genre. Four compilations per year will be released.

The DUBREF crew will be present during the entire festival to film and record the performances — capturing whatever mayhem might occur!

The first compilation, Dubref Session 1, features the following performers in audio and/or video: Anthony BANSFIELD, SÉBA, Yannick B. GÉLINAS, Marie-Hélène POITRAS/Yannick DUGUAY; Catherine KIDD, Ian LAUZON, Julie MAHFOOD, Neale MCDEVITT, Jean-Marc MASSIE and Doug SIMMS.

Excerpts from the CD-ROM will be screened and short performances will be given in French by SEBA and Ian LAUZON and in English by Catherine KIDD, Neale MCDEVITT and Doug SIMMS.

8:30 pm

La fête à Patrice Desbiens

Closing night hosted by Guy Marchamps

With José Acquelin, Yves Boisvert, Paul Chamberland, Jean-Paul Daoust, Robert Dickson, Robbert Fortin, Richard Fortier, Michel Garneau, Christine Germain, Richard Gingras, Louis Hamelin, Geneviève Letarte, Geneviève Lauzon, Hélène Monette, François Pelletier, Danielle Palardy Roger.

Accompanied by musicians Normand Guilbeault, Pierre Tanguay, Jean Derome and René Lussier


A real party with lots of guests performers who will pay tribute to Patrice DESBIENS, celebrating 25 years with les Éditions Prise de parole. Poets and writers will read DESBIENS’ texts, accompanied by musicians Normand GUILBEAULT, Pierre TANGUAY, Jean DEROME and René LUSSIER. The host for the evening will be the inimitable Guy MARCHAMPS.

After four days of words and music, verbal virtuosity, passion and rhythm, moments of truth, moments of intensity, subversive sounds and calculated lies… chances are the party will take wing, we will all be touched by grace, and words will flow freely…

Presented in co-production with les Éditions Prise de parole