Schedule >

Sunday, February 16, 2003

3:00 pm

Round table on performance and spoken word

Hosted by Hilary Peach

Free admission

The event will be held in English and hosted by Hilary PEACH of Vancouver with francophone performer Geneviève Letarte and anglophone performer Catherine Kidd.

7:30 pm

Conte-moi un poème

Hats off to Dimanches du conte, celebrating its fifth birthday!

Nine willing and wilful poets submit to the Sergeant’s orders and come to spin their poems. A storyteller versed in the art and danger of poetry will lend a hand. A dauntless host who walks the tightrope of verbal virtuosity will strut his stuff. Two iconoclastic and eclectic improv musicians will be ready for anything. Thrill-seekers, don’t miss this one! Proper dress required. Ceinture fléchée and poet’s beret optional.

Co-produced with les Productions du Diable Vert.

The show will be recorded by Radio-Canada’s Chaîne culturelle and broadcast on Friday, March 21, 2003, at 10:00 pm during the program Les Décrocheurs d’étoiles, hosted by Michel Garneau and produced by Christine Germain.

8:00 pm

Wired on Words and Music… and Face-off

Free admission

Five of Montreal's top spoken word performers compete on the theme of "escape". Hosted by CBC radio’s Katherine Gombay. Featuring: Alex Boutros/Kaarla Sundstrom, Ian Ferrier, Geneviève Letarte, Vincent Tinguely, Kaie Kellough. Music by Bryan Highbloom.

The show will be recorded for broadcast on "Art Talks" Feb 22nd between 5-6pm on CBC Radio One.

11pm: Spoken Word mini CD launch featuring Louis Rastelli’s Distroboto and new work by Patrick Goddard and Kae Kellough. This is the first of a mini-CD project from Wired on Words that features new audio work by writers, poets, dramatists and musicians.