A message from the artistic director D. Kimm

The extravagance of Phénomena

I admit it. I like to be disturbed, shaken from my convictions. I have a hunger for danger and I am always eager to meet new people. At the same time, I am delighted to be part of a community of artists and citizens who favours intimacy and small independent and inventive productions. But I’m not a fan of the little family concept; I don’t like when things are tightly knit, and I hate closed circles. However, with Les Filles électriques I am proud to have gathered a network of collaborators who have become my brothers and sisters in arms in this idealistic struggle to offer imagination and beauty to the public—on minimal budgets. Finally, I am touched to see that Phénomena is already considered a place of possibility, a chosen space for taking risks and letting loose.

I invite you to join this brazen and paradoxical community. I invite you to be whimsical, free, and… extravagant. Come play a part in the film Phénomena 2014!