- A big thanks to our funders.
- A really big thanks to our loyal partners Le Devoir and Les Brasseurs du Nord, who have been with us for 10 years..
- A particularly grateful thanks to our partners at La Sala Rossa, the Casa del Popolo and the Divan Orange and their teams who have allowed us to perform miracles. With you the words solidarity and mutual help truly take on their meaning.
- A warmhearted thanks to our new partners: the Cabaret du Mile End, Tangente and Usine C. In hoping that his will be the beginning of a wonderful love story.
A very special thanks to all those who joined us in the Genesis Breyer P-Orridge adventure, and who made it possible to turn this exceptional artist’s visit into a real event: the Festival du nouveau cinéma, La Centrale Galerie Powerhouse, Excentris Cinema, Mathieu Beauséjour and Peter Dubé, Jasmine Pisapia, Marie-Christine Picard and of course the wonderful Marie Losier who has been there form the start and throughout the journey.