A Message from the Artistic Director D. Kimm

I have been an artistic director of festivals for over two decades. I made my debut with the Festival de littérature de l’Union des écrivaines et des écrivains québécois from 1995 to 1998, followed by the Festival Voix d’Amériques from 2003 to 2011 and now Phénomena since 2012. You could say that over the years I’ve seen it all and dealt with it all: small, medium-sized, and big issues alike. At some point I became very Zen because I realized that, as a director, if there is a problem… it’s up to me to solve it as best I can. It’s edifying, and also very liberating.

I am at an age when transmission has become a priority. I love sharing my experience, opening doors, proposing challenges and welcoming new artists and collaborators. I am fortunate to work with a small team of enthusiastic and passionate colleagues. Charlie Julien and Cleo da Fonseca are young and bright and share my thirst for learning and evolving. I feel that by letting them benefit from my experience, it’s stimulating for everyone.

In our multi-generational, multicultural and multi-gendered office, we have daily discussions about issues that arise within the cultural sector. It goes without saying that we don’t always agree — but we respect one another and evolve together in our reflections. After all, transmission is not a one-way street. No matter our age, we have much to learn from one another.