Schedule >

Friday, February 12, 2010

5:00 pm

[“Band + Poetry” Happy Hours]


Atréal: Charles F Picot, Denis Ferland, in collaboration with the poet Fredric Gary Comeau.

Casa del Popolo, Montréal, Québec

Free admission

In French. The band Atréal was formed in 2004 by guitarist-composer Charles F Picot in collaboration with multi-instrumentalist Denis Ferland. Stepping out of his solo career for a moment, singer-songwriter Fredric Gary Comeau contributes his deep vocal tones and writing talent to the adventure. Atréal marries sung poetry and spoken word with sensual atmospheric rock and the result is a magnetic universe that leaves audiences soaring. The “Northern Winter” showis arctic cold and the warmth that comes from the heart.

8:00 pm



Text and actor: d’bi young
Direction: Natasha Mytnowych
Music composition and performance: Tova Kardonne
Lighting: Kimberly Purtell

La Chapelle — scènes contemporaines, Montréal, Québec

Regular: $25.00 • Student, artist: $20.00

“Few performers have the raw charisma of d’bi.young, her ability to command attention every second she’s on stage… (benu is) a riveting journey through her psyche, equal parts blood and magic.” —Serafin Lariviere, Eye Weekly

Having recently given birth and now negotiating her own mortality, benu, a 30 year old woman, contemplates life and death. Her blood pressure mysteriously rises, like a phoenix, in a Toronto hospital, triggering a series of strange physical and mental ailments that lead her down a path of fear, discovery, and renewal. Reality meets myth, magic meets ritual, and a bio-myth-o-graphical narrative unfolds in firesome ways, paralleling the mythology of the Egyptian predecessor to the phoenix, the benu bird.

d’bi.young is an Afrikan-Jamaican-Canadian visionary who has performed, published, and lectured internationally. An award-winning dubpoet, writer, and theatre practitioner, she has produced five dubpoetry albums, authored two dubpoetry collections and is the playwright/performer of the published double Dora Award-winning, one-person show blood.claat. d’bi.young recently launched the radical arts centre anitAFRIKA! dub theatre and she is presently completing her first non-fiction on dubpoetry and dubtheatre.

A La Chapelle and Festival Voix d’Amériques coprésentation. An anitAFRIKA! dub theatre production.

8:30 pm

[Shows at 8:30 pm]

Cabaret DADA Queer

In French, in English… and in lipsync. A dream guest list… hysterical mad insolent sexy improbable. Down with reason! Up with extravagance!

11:00 pm

[Night Shift]

DJ Plastik Patrik

Party with DJ Plastik Patrik

Casa del Popolo, Montréal, Québec

Free admission