Schedule >

Friday, February 5, 2010

5:00 pm

[“Band + Poetry” Happy Hours]

Bernard Adamus

Bernard Adamus with Séba, Benoît Paradis and MH MH MH.

Casa del Popolo, Montréal, Québec

Free admission

In French. Another genuine original this year is Bernard Adamus with guests Séba, Benoît Paradis and MH MH MH. Bernard Adamus is a singer-songwriter, originally from Poland, and his low-down dirty blues sung in French wins him new fans every time he performs, whether in clubs or competitions. Séba is an old hand at the FVA, where he took some baby steps before blowing us away with his incisive lyrics and explosive stage presence. We discovered happyelectro indie MH MH MH stirring up the beat in her superb duo Rue Ontario with Bernard. And the very funny, versatile (acrobatic, you might even say) Benoît Paradis brings a playful jazz touch to it all.

8:30 pm

[Shows at 8:30 pm]

Ursula Rucker Solo

In English. Anyone lucky enough to have seen Ursula Rucker in her 2004 FVA appearance will understand why she is back this year as our Guest of Honour. A product of the spoken word, urban music and hip-hop scene, this girl is pure intensity. Astonishing.

11:00 pm

[Night Shift]

Night Shift: Ève Cournoyer

Hosted by Alexis O’Hara.

Musicians: Bernard Falaise and Michel F Côté.

In first part: the singer Ève Cournoyer.

Casa del Popolo, Montréal, Québec

Free admission

Open mic, bilingual. Through her love affair with words, Ève Cournoyer cultivates the art of creating powerful sentences and catchy melodies that linger in the mind. Scattered with double-meanings, her writing navigates between gloom and light, at times serious, at times funny or romantic. You’ll enjoy songs from Sabot-de-Vénus and L’écho, as well as new ones from the upcoming album, all in harmony with the distinct setting of the Night Shift. Poetically and musically authentic, these slightly chaotic urban songs dig deep.