Bande à Part

Watch out, here they come! Read the FVA Blog at

5 à 7 at Casa

February 11

5:00 pm

Nouvelle vague

Hosted by Mahalia Verna

Nomadic Massive

Casa del Popolo, Montréal, Québec

Free admission

Bilingual. A cocktail party featuring performances by emerging voices from the city’s intercultural spoken word mosaic. With Nomadic Massive, a Montréal-based collective of independent hip hop artists who have come together in an effort to combine their energies and spread their unique words and rhythms across borders.

February 12

5:00 pm

Caniche Hara-Kiri

Casa del Popolo, Montréal, Québec

Free admission

In French. Launch of the first CD by this daring and poetic new group.

February 13

5:00 pm

Astres / Stars / Goleuadau

  • Childe Roland

Casa del Popolo, Montréal, Québec

Free admission

Bilingual. Agence TOPO launches a new Web site of sound poems and visual poetry with a screening and reading of the poem Astres/Stars/Goleuadau in English/French/Welch by poet Peter Noël Meilleur (a.k.a. Childe Roland) and his guests.

February 14

5:00 pm

McGilligan Books Showcase

Casa del Popolo, Montréal, Québec

Free admission

In English. Jointly with McGillian Books.

February 15

5:00 pm

Cabaret Poètes de Brousse

In French. Trash tribute to H.P. Lovecraft by incisive poets and musicians.

February 16

5:00 pm

CBC Poetry Face-Off

Hosted by Patti Schmidt

Susan Elmsley
Susan Gillis
David McGimpsey
Oana Avasilichioaei
and double bass player Nicolas Caloia

Casa del Popolo, Montréal, Québec

Free admission

In English. For the fifth consecutive year, CBC Radio One will celebrate Canada’s poetic imagination with a twist: by giving it a competitive attitude. Fourteen selected cities across the country will host live-before-an-audience poetry combats, and five poets in each city will be commissioned to write and perform their work on a common theme. This year’s exciting theme is irresistible. The audience at each combat will choose their champion and the winning entry will move on to the national play-offs. The finalists will then be heard on CBC Radio’s Sounds Like Canada in April 2006, the national listening audience will be able to vote for their favourite, and a Canadian champion will emerge. The Montreal event will be hosted by Patti Schmidt and the performances, by an eclectic group representative of Quebec's new generation of literary artists, will be accompanied by double bass player Nicolas Caloia. Recorded by CBC Radio One 88.5 FM

February 17

5:00 pm

Chérivolver t’embrasse un peu!

Fanny Arsenault Villeneuve
Mykalle Bielinski
Marie Davidson
Fannie Jaros Denis

Casa del Popolo, Montréal, Québec

Free admission

In French. The power of youth with an electrifying girl group and their poet companions.