Thursday, February 16, 2006
5:00 pm
[5 à 7 at Casa]
CBC Poetry Face-Off
In English. For the fifth consecutive year, CBC Radio One will celebrate Canada’s poetic
imagination with a twist: by giving it a competitive attitude. Fourteen selected cities across the
country will host live-before-an-audience poetry combats, and five poets in each city will be
commissioned to write and perform their work on a common theme. This year’s exciting theme is
irresistible. The audience at each combat will choose their champion and the winning entry
will move on to the national play-offs. The finalists will then be heard on CBC Radio’s Sounds Like
Canada in April 2006, the national listening audience will be able to vote for their favourite, and
a Canadian champion will emerge. The Montreal event will be hosted by Patti Schmidt and the
performances, by an eclectic group representative of Quebec's new generation of literary artists,
will be accompanied by double bass player Nicolas Caloia. Recorded by CBC Radio One 88.5 FM
8:30 pm
[Shows at La Sala Rossa]
Combat contre la langue de bois, deuxième round
In French. One soapbox, ten people, six minutes each, two crazy musicians and Jacques Bertrand
to crack the whip. No right of reply. No second chance. Don’t miss it! (Unfortunately for us
anglos, this year in French only.)
telling it like it is
we give the floor to people with something to say
who aren’t shy about saying it
round two of a boxing match against inertia and indifference…
6 minutes to deliver the knockout blow