Watch out, here they come! Read the FVA Blog at
5:00 pm
[5 à 7 at Casa]
Avec: Jean-François Poupart Maxime Catellier Kim Doré Réjean Thomas David Wormäker Sonia Cotten, etc.
Casa del Popolo, Montréal, Québec
Free admission
In French. Trash tribute to H.P. Lovecraft by incisive poets and musicians.
8:30 pm
[Shows at La Sala Rossa]
avec: André Lemelin Claudette L’Heureux Lucie Bisson Yvan Bienvenue Richard Léveillé Joujou Turenne Éric Chalifoux Musique: André Daneau (harmonica et zigonage de pieds)
La Sala Rossa, Montréal, Québec
In French. Big fish stories about the one that got away… not a word of exaggeration!
11:00 pm
[Night Shift at Casa]
Hosted by Ivy
Guest poets: David Bergeron, Nicolas Dickner, Danielle Palardy Roger
Open mic, bilingual.