Bande à Part

Watch out, here they come! Read the FVA Blog at

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

5:00 pm

[5 à 7 at Casa]

McGilligan Books Showcase

Casa del Popolo, Montréal, Québec

Free admission

In English. Jointly with McGillian Books.

8:30 pm

[Shows at La Sala Rossa]

Love and Kisses from Vancouver

Hosted by Alexis O’Hara


The Fugitives:
Barbara Adler, Brendan McLeod, Mark Berube, CR Avery

Storyteller Ivan Coyote
Singer Kinnie Starr

Dancers and performers (now living in Montréal)
Deborah Dunn
Chanti Wadge

La Sala Rossa, Montréal, Québec


In English. Vancouver calling! A blind date with performers from the other end of the country: a transgenre cowboy, wicked poets, a First Nations rapper, fierce dancers/performers… It’s bound to be love at first sight!

11:00 pm

[Night Shift at Casa]

Night Shift

Hosted by Ivy

Guest poets: Isabelle Claude dit Grandjean, Éric Roger, Jean-Christophe Trentinella

Casa del Popolo, Montréal, Québec


Open mic, bilingual.