Monday, February 13, 2006
5:00 pm
[5 à 7 at Casa]
Astres / Stars / Goleuadau
Bilingual. Agence TOPO launches a new Web site of sound poems and visual poetry with a screening
and reading of the poem Astres/Stars/Goleuadau in English/French/Welch by poet Peter Noël Meilleur
(a.k.a. Childe Roland) and his guests.
8:30 pm
[Shows at La Sala Rossa]
Body and Soul 3
In French. These seven inspired and inspiring women bring intensity, intrepidity and generosity
to the stage.
these are not harmless girls
these are women with powerful spirits and talents to match
who have cut their paths through the world
as they wield the French language
in their own inimitable ways